Sunday, May 30, 2010

Making a splash into the pool!

Yes, it's that time of year again, when the weather has warmed up... and it's finally time to open the pool! it's a lot of work to open a pool after it's been covered up for the winter months. Me and my Mom, spent about 3 and 1/2 hours opening the pool yesterday getting everything ready, for those hot summer days/months coming up, and to finally be able to swim again. I'm so happy that it's finally open because the days lately have been very hot... And i'm also happy because i love to swim! See, i'm not a winter person, i despise the cold, i much prefer the hot summer, compared to a cold frigid winter.  Even on those days you know, when its boiling hot that you think your about to pass out, its so hot... well i love those days as well. (Some days, not so much, but when I know i have a pool in my backyard, its nice). P.S i will soon be posting new hairstyles... in a step by step format blog, like i explained in my previous blogs! Well i'll talk to you all later!  Xox butterfly0055

Monday, May 24, 2010

Step by Step Hairstyling Blog!

Ok i have officially decided that i am now going to make this into a "hairstyle tutorial blog" type thing... yes i know you are wondering "How?" well... what i will do is, once i want to share a new hairstyle or hairstyling tips with you, i will blog it step by step and show pictures for each step. On how to achieve the "LOOK" (I Hope that makes sense) i'm going to be doing this instead of making "youtube" videos... because it takes up a lot of time to make the videos. maybe in the future i will make videos... but for now I'm going to stick with this blog.. and hope you guys enjoy reading it! :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

June contest hairstyle/ Glee!

Well... i'm actually kind of bored right now. but, I just wanted to let you guys know that... I went over to my friend's house the other day to work on the hair style that i'm probably going to be doing, for the June contest in my school that i just recently told you guys about. Anyways she wore the hairstyle that I styled in her hair the next day for school and she got tons of compliments! YEAH! Anyways, this might be random... but i love the show "Glee" its awesome! it like my all time fav show right now... lol i so can't miss an episode of it!  its funny and really good! I like anything that has to do with singing in it, so thats probably why i love it so much.. Its getting better and better every week... in my opinion, anyways enough about that... i gtg. ttyl

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

June contest! :)

Alright, so i know i haven't written in my blog for a while now... but i'm totally excited... because at school in June there is going to be a little hairstyling contest that is going to be happening! and i signed up to be in it! yeah! Anyways i've already chosen the model (person) that i'm going to be doing the updo on... and i have my updo chosen as well. (Or at least the one i think i'm going to be doing) But ya so i'm really excited for that... and in my hairstyling class i have just finished doing a ton of perms... ans let me tell you some of them are actually hard to do. ( well for me at least) Well that's all that is new for me right now... ttyl
P.S no the picture on this post is NOT the one that i'm gonna be doing.